6 DIY Dog Toys for Some Eco-Friendly Fun

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Animal Wisdom

What do these 2 questions have in common:

  1. What’s your dog’s favourite toy? 
  2. What do you do with things around the house that you no longer use?

Do they seem random? They’re actually 100% related – at least when it comes to DIY dog toys. 

By reusing unwanted items and turning them into something fun to entertain your pup, you’re doing a small part to help save the environment. In this blog, we’ll tell you how to make 6 easy DIY dog toys, all using recycled materials. These toys are budget-friendly and easy to make. They also promote sustainability by repurposing items that would otherwise end up in the trash.

Why Recycled Materials?

The biggest reason we love using recycled materials for DIY dog toys is because it helps reduce the impact on the environment. Instead of tossing things we don’t use in the trash, these toys help to keep those items from the landfill! And that’s always good in our books.

Another benefit is that you know exactly what’s in the toy. Far too many toys on the market contain items that we would prefer our pets not have. This is especially true when we consider that they chew, chew, chew on them! 

Plus, let’s call a spade a spade: pet toys are expensive. If you have a power chewer or a pet who treats destroying their toys like their job, you could spend even more! By using stuff you have at home, and making toys yourself, it’ll help balance that bank account!

It’s a win-win situation! You’ll save money and provide your pets with hours of entertainment – all while helping the planet.

DIY Dog Toys

Some DIY dog toys are complicated to make, but we’ve gathered up a few that are relatively simple. 

T-Shirt Rope Toy: Cut an old t-shirt into strips, braid the strips together, and tie tight knots at each end. You can also add knots along the braid for extra texture. This toy is great for tug-of-war, for tossing, or just chewing. If your dog has a tendency to chew and eat rope toys, keep an eye on them when this one’s out of the toy box.

Sock Squeaker Toy: Place an empty water bottle inside a clean, sturdy sock. Remember to remove the lid of the water bottle to avoid any chocking hazards. Tie a knot at the open end, and let your dog enjoy the crinkly sounds. The crinkly texture and squeaking sounds make this toy irresistible to dogs.

Plastic Bottle Treat Dispenser: This one’s for the smarty pants! Cut holes of various sizes in a clean, empty plastic bottle. (Don’t put the cap back on – it can become a choking hazard.) Then, fill it with your dog’s favourite treats, and watch as they roll and nudge the bottle to release the treats. Make sure the treats fit out the hole. This DIY dog toy engages your dog’s natural foraging instincts, providing mental stimulation and rewarding play.

Cardboard Box Puzzle: Take an empty cardboard box, place treats inside, close the flaps, and watch as your dog uses their nose and paws to uncover the hidden treasures. Any size works, but we like a cracker or cookie box. You can also tape the box back up and poke holes in the sides big enough for the treats to come out. This puzzle toy challenges your dog’s problem-solving skills – a great brain game, to be sure! (Here are a few other brain games we love.)

The Franken-Stuffy: If you’re constantly sewing and resewing toys, you’re in good company. But if the holes are bigger than your hand, use the intact material to create a Franken-stuffy! Let’s be honest – your pup doesn’t care what their stuffy looks like. Patch together pieces from different toys, reuse the stuffing, and you’re off to the races!

DIY Flirt Stick: A flirt stick is simply a pole/stick with a length of rope attached and a distraction (ex. a small toy) at the end. Sound easy? It is! Get a study stick, or reuse a length of pipe or wood from the garage, attach a long (2-3 feet) length of rope or braided t-shirt to the end. Then, at the other end of the rope, tie a small toy. Carefully flick the stick around and let your pup chase it. 

With a little creativity and some recycled materials, you can create fun and eco-friendly toys for your beloved beast. These DIY dog toys not only provide entertainment and enrichment but also help protect the planet by repurposing items that would otherwise be tossed out. So gather your materials, unleash your imagination, and get ready to delight your furry friends with homemade toys that are as earth-friendly as they are enjoyable.

The Adored Beast Team

Bringing you decades of animal health experience. They are product gurus, nutrition specialists, industry experts and researchers, but most importantly, pet owners, pet parents and animal lovers. The Adored Beast team is made up of people who care about the health and wellbeing of your animal family. Their fundamental goal is to provide information, advice, and experienced support you can use, each and every day, to help your pet live the longest, healthiest, happiest life possible.

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