Never in my life did I think I would get so excited about sh~t. And when I say sh~t I don’t mean “stuff” – I actually mean sh~t! OK, all kidding aside, I can honestly say I...

Never in my life did I think I would get so excited about sh~t. And when I say sh~t I don’t mean “stuff” – I actually mean sh~t! OK, all kidding aside, I can honestly say I...
February brings awareness to the importance of keeping our animals’ oral health in tip-top shape. Things like tartar build up, gum disease, and even more serious issues with the heart, lungs, or kidneys can come from not paying enough attention to your pup’s mouth. Probiotics plays a big role in pet dental health.
Exercising, walking your dog, and spending time playing with your pet is one of the best ways, hands down, to strengthen the human-animal bond. I have learned and witnessed first-hand what our animals do for us, what they are trying to teach us or show us and my recommendation to everyone is to take heed!
When it comes to arthritis in dogs (or any animal, really), most people are looking for solutions to support joint health, inflammation and pain. We’re so lucky that there is a huge array of wonderful natural supports out there to address joint heath and disease.
The importance of a healthy bladder is so often overlooked, until there’s a problem. I’m talking about the dreaded cat or dog UTI (urinary tract infection)… When I had my...