Welcome to cold and flu season ladies and gentlemen. We’re sorry, that’s probably not the invitation you were hoping would show up in your inbox this week (or at any point),...
The Adored Beast Team
Is the Dog Flu Something You Should Worry About?
The exact timing of flu season can vary, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in North America, flu activity usually starts to pick up in...
Why Do Cats Purr?
For most animals, there are very recognizable sounds that we associate with them. In fact, most of us are taught them as children. What sound does a cow make? Mooooo. What...
Feline Herpes Virus: Caring for Your Kitty
What’s all the talk about FHV? Have you ever heard of it? More than likely, many of you have. That’s because FHV - feline herpes virus - is not uncommon - almost all...
Dog Lungs Have a Big Job: Tips to Support Them
Think about breathing… It’s weird; it’s something every living being does, but we do it without thought. We take in oxygen, the body moves it through the body, and we...
Can Dogs Eat Spinach?
Spinach, for most people, is a “love it or hate it” green. I love a good spinach salad with some other veggies, some nuts, and a nice vinaigrette dressing. Yum… Ok, now I’m...