Homeopathic Remedies for Cat and Dog Dental Health

by | Jan 8, 2024 | Homeopathy, Remedies

A few weeks ago, we had a special Ask Julie Anything event all about dental care! Our good friend, homeopath Andrea Ring, joined Julie for this session, and together they were able to answer a whole host of questions related to cat and dog dental health.

You can watch the full AJA right here!

During the session, they shared some of their go-to homeopathic remedies for pre- and post dentals, as well as for some specific conditions, and we’re sharing them with you!

Thank you Julie and Andrea!

Homeopathic Remedies for Cat and Dog Dental Health

Note: to make a liquid combination – add 1 pellet of each remedy into 60ml of distilled water with 10 drops of vodka (to help preserve) into a bottle with lid. Give 0.5 ml along gums and succuss bottle (bang on palm of hand) 5 times before each dose. Reassess after 3 months. Remake this mixture as needed. 

1. Pre and Post Dental

  • Pre: Your Go 2 1 hour before leaving for vet and again on arrival there (aconite and arnica)
  • Post: Your Go 2, Jump 4 JOYnts along with Nux Vomica (Colubrina) 30C and Phosphorus 30C, and if any extractions including Hypericum 200C and Symphytum 200C

Give all as soon as possible after surgery, then 2 hours later, then every 4 hours until bed. 

The next day, stop Your Go 2 but continue Jump for JOYnts, Nux Vomica, and Phosphorous every 4 hours – along with Hypericum and Symphytum if there were extractions.

The next day, if there are no gastric issues (no vomiting, no diarrhea, and eating okay), stop Nux Vomica and Phosphorous, but continue Jump for JOYnts 3 times daily for 2 days, then stop.

If there were extractions, do the same, BUT continue Jump for JOYnts, Hypericum, and Symphytum 4 times daily for 2 days, then 3 times daily for 2 days, then reassess. These remedies can be continued up to 7-10 days if they are still painful and need them. 

Usually after 5-7 days pain remedies can be stopped. 

Also give Liver Tonic as per label before and after dental to help with Liver and Kidney detox and support. 

2. To Rebuild Tooth Enamel

  • Calcarea Flourica 6X
  • Calcarea Phosphorica 6X 
  • Silicea 6X
  • OR Combo 12 OR BIO 12 Tissue Salts 6X which is the aforementioned remedies along with the other 9 minerals that make up a cell wall.  

Any other X potency of these remedies can be used. Give twice daily ongoing. Can be crushed into powder and sprinkled on food or given along gums. Reassess after 3 months – if helping then continue. 

3. For Gingivitis, Hyper Salivation, Bad Breath from Teeth/Bacteria, Bleeding Gums

  • Hepar Sulph 200C 
  • Mercurius Vivicus (Mercurius Solubus is the same remedy) 30C 

Do this twice daily for a maximum of 2 weeks then reassess. If needing to continue treatment longer, then take a break of a few days then resume on a 2 weeks on, 4 days off schedule or make into a liquid as described above which can be given daily for a longer period. Be sure to succuss liquid 5 times before each dose!

4. For Cavities, Crumbling Teeth, Breaking or Fracturing Teeth Easily

  • Kreosotum 6C
  • Merv Viv (Merc Sol) 6C
  • Calc Fluor 6C
  • Calc Phos 6C
  • Silicea 6C 

Make these into a liquid and give twice daily for 30 days, then reassess AND Combo 12 (bio 12) 6X – twice daily crushed and sprinkled on food.

5. For More Problematic Cavities 

  • Calc Fluor 6C
  • Calc Phos 6C
  • Kreosotum 6C 

Do these remedies twice daily as a liquid combination – add 1 pellet of each remedy into 60ml of distilled water with 10 drops of vodka (to help preserve) into a bottle with lid. 

Give 0.5 ml per dose along gums and succuss bottle (bang on palm of hand) 5 times before each dose. Reassess after 3 months. Remake this mixture as needed. 

When it comes to cat and dog dental health, there are many homeopathic remedies that can be incredibly useful. Use the above noted ones as indicated to meet your animal’s individual needs. 

Andrea Ring DCH

Andrea started pursuing her passion for homeopathy in 1999 when she took her 16 year old dog to Adored Beast Veterinary clinic (the first strictly holistic vet clinic in Canada) owned by Julie Anne Lee DCH, RCSHom, a gifted homeopath who worked alongside a holistic veterinarian.  Encouraged and astounded at the power of homeopathy and holistic medicine to help her aging animal companion, Andrea left a successful 25 year career in radio news broadcasting. She graduated from the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy in 2007, and went on to complete the 3 year program of the College of Animal Homeopathic Medicine (founded by Lee) which combined Animal Sciences with Veterinary Homeopathy. Over the past 20 plus years Andrea has gained extensive experience in the veterinary field, working alongside veterinarians and holistic animal practitioners. She shares life with 3 dogs and 7 cats. She says “they are the precious and beloved creatures who make me a better, more compassionate, patient and loving person. I'm so grateful to be following my lifelong passion for animals and pursuing my deep desire to help animals and their people heal.” Find Andrea at www.andrearing.ca or contact her at andrearingdch@gmail.com

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