We always - like, always - have celery in the fridge. Soup, salad, stir-fry, even just with some peanut butter. Celery is good for so many things! But is it good for dogs?...

What you feed your animal has a lot to do with long-term health and wellness. Raw, homecooked, or kibble, find valuable information, the latest research, and nutritious recipes in our nutrition posts.
We always - like, always - have celery in the fridge. Soup, salad, stir-fry, even just with some peanut butter. Celery is good for so many things! But is it good for dogs?...
Cinnamon is a fragrant and flavourful spice that many of us love to add to our baked goods, drinks, and meals. Just the smell of it can evoke powerful memories... If you’ve...
Oh, avocado... avocado on toast, guacamole, avocado brownies (yes, that’s a real thing!). Avocado is often praised as a superfood for humans, thanks to its rich nutritional...
There's nothing quite like cutting into a pineapple and having a bite and being overwhelmed with flavour! When you're lucky enough to pick the perfect one, it's like you've...
Oh peaches! Peaches are a juicy, sweet fruit that many people enjoy, especially in the summer. When they’re in season, they don’t last in our house. Almost as soon as they...
The last few weeks have been really warm. We walk early, or late, have lots of water action (beware of blue-green algae reports), and keep a very close eye on our babies. As...